We understand that this is a rough time for many in our community. Controversies around Mountaintop Removal and Clearcutting are but a few of the problems we face up here. It is known that the Administration and Board of the LMCC favor environmental policies which will reduce or eliminate these particular forms of extraction. We also realize that those same measures weigh heavily on the economy of our region and will (and do) cause great hardships in the lives of those who depend on those same resources for jobs. Our thinking here is that LMCC must serve as a long term Steward of this wonderful place, but this thinking presents very real difficulties and challenges since we do not live in the future but are of the here and now.

With all this in mind we want to state emphatically that the Lonely Mountain Community Center serves all of us. Our classes, workshops and community initiatives represent the inspired aspirations of all of us. Together and despite differing opinions we have created a lively hub here where we all can have a voice and fulfill our mission as caring and creative human beings. Our thanks to you all for your support over the years!